#501 - 510 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3A8
© 2025 Kor Structural
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John Markulin, P.ENG, STRUCT.ENG
T (604) 685-9533
E contact@korstructural.com
H 9AM to 5PM (Monday to Friday)
#501 – 510 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3A8
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Vancouver Island
Rory Beirne, P.ENG, STRUCT.ENG
T (778) 652-1895
E rbeirne@korstructural.com
H 9AM to 5PM (Monday to Friday)
Jeremy Atkinson, P.ENG, PE
T (778) 652-1897
E jatkinson@korstructural.com
H 9AM to 5PM (Monday to Friday)
Jim DesRoches, B.A.Sc., P.Eng., PE
T (604) 999-7758
E jdesroches@korstructural.com
H 9AM to 5PM (Monday to Friday)
Headquartered in Vancouver, BC, Kor Structural provides engineering, consultation, design, and inspection services throughout the Lower Mainland and West Coast of Canada and the United States.
Kor Structural operates as a distributed team, with Partners located in the Lower Mainland, Kelowna, and Vancouver Island ready to provide excellent service to your project.
If you are looking for a structural engineer for your project, our Team would be happy to discuss the details with you.